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Seminary Entry Requirements 

 Entry Requirements into DLSM Seminary Department

Ordination Program

DLSM offers enrollment to anyone who is 18 years of age or older and has an educational desire about God, a heart to serve others and believes they have been called by God to pursue ordination.  

  • Enroll age exception:  DLSM accepts students 16 and 17 years of age with the following exceptions;
  1. ​ the student is emancipated from their parents through the U.S. court system.  For International students, emancipated from their parents or its equivalent as pertaining to their country of origin and/or residing in;  official legal documentation is required for Administrative office review 
  2. one of the parents must sign the DLSM consent to enroll as a minor form;  request the consent to enroll as a minor form at the Administrative office

For your ease of review go to Seminary Department Index for degree programs with ordination or if you are pursing ordination separately.

  • Seminary Department Index


Seminary Entry Requirements