Receive Your Ordination at DLSM Bible

We offer a specialized series of studies for those seeking ordination.

  • We uphold that Ordination is a special calling upon an individual by God. Once the individual is aware of this high calling, it is foundationally important to pursue Biblical education to further equip the individual with the applicable Biblical tools  to fully perform the ministerial calling God has placed upon them.

  • "Ordination should be applied as a personal, special commitment between God and the individual.  It is truly one of the most high callings." DL​

  • All degree level programs have the option of including ordination.  With certificate programs you can add ordination separately.

Are you called by God to be Ordained?   more

Seminary Department

Seminary Department

Academic Departments in our Seminary Department


DLSM has 7 academic departments of study from undergraduate, graduate and certificate disciplines including the availability to customize your studies in our Specialized Education department, or if study customization is offered in your degree program.  If your looking for certificate programs you can find them in our individual / Standard Course Library that is in our Department of Customized Studies.

For your ease of review, you can click on Seminary Department Index to be redirected to its page, or any of the department listings to view programs with ordination.