Listening is an art and a skilled behavior that usually develops overtime.  Although, we hear many things throughout our day, we don’t take time to slow down and really hear or comprehend it.  We have too many things to accomplish or other priorities we’ve placed upon ourselves to allow yet another intrusion into our inner world.

What if we were to make a change?  Reconstruct our days by setting aside a specific time to just stop and listen.  Allowing ourselves to be redirected and enveloped in the subtle to boisterous vibrations of life around us. Loosing ourselves in the midst of a surrendered experience that brings us back to the point of reconnecting, not only to this planet but to our inner self. 

Within the stillness of listening, we also find the wealth of our spiritual experience with God. This experience leaves us with a desire of wanting more that spawns a dedication to set time aside every day to receive God’s presence and words into our lives. To make this time a priority.  To understand on the days we don’t, we feel a bit less than who we really are do to not experiencing the spiritual fullness we’ve grown accustomed too. To know, it is through surrendered listening we experience the reconnection to God who patiently waits for us to listen.

Copyright 2016-2017 DL School of Ministry-DLSM / Dr. Leciah  All Rights Reserved  

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​Surrendered Listening