The Life of Words​

We know there is life in the Word of God.  But there is also life in our words as well.  Although, there is no comparison between the sovereign authority of God and His human creation, we are still made in His image with the ability of creating allowing us endless possibilities of what we paint on our life’s canvas.

In our creative process, if we are not careful or at least mindful of what we are thinking about, we can end up with a portrait of anything other than what is good.  Another way to put it is, as the saying goes we are what we eat.  But I’ve also heard it said we are or will be what we say.  Meaning, our mind formulated the thoughts, processed it, and gave it life by our spoken words.  Overtime, we may also begin to allow this creative process to grow into becoming actions or  behaviors.

Often times we excuse ourselves with believing our words are idle or without power to affect ourselves or those around us, but this is not the case.  Every word packs some kind of punch whether positive or negative.  Although, every person responds differently to what has been said to them, about them or overheard about some other topic it nevertheless has some type of affect.  Words are powerfully influential and should be spoken only with respect first and foremost to God but also to one another. 

Within our quest to achieve better spiritual health, we must learn how to monitor every thought or as the Word says, take every thought captive. As we learn and utilize this important tool we begin to understand that healthy words spoken come from a positive intent that affects not only what we deposit back into ourselves but into the world around us. Equally, the words we give life to that are not edifying and encouraging does the same.  Except this time we’re painting onto our canvas everything that is opposite of God and unhealthy for every involved.  

Within our creation process, let’s choose God’s path which is foundationally healthy and paint into existence with the power of our words everything that is encouraging and supportive that perpetuates God’s attributes; loving, kind and merciful.  As we do, we begin to experience the brilliance of God’s nature in us.

Copyright 2016-2017 DL School of Ministry-DLSM / Dr. Leciah   All Rights Reserved

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