Within our daily lives we have distractions, irritations, jubilations and everything in between that affects us.  When we are in the presence of love and things that are good it causes us to relax within ourselves.  When we are experiencing strife, anger, resentment, disrespect or abuse from another, we go into the self protective mode which is any thing but relaxing. This restriction we construct within ourselves leads us to lay another brick in the hardened wall we are unconsciously building around our heart.

As with anything that carries a signal, when it's reduced the reception becomes intermittent, non clear or fuzzy.  When it's obstructed no signal is received.  The same is true when it comes to hearing and/or feeling the presence of God.  When we  are bound within ourselves we can't sense or hear God.  It's not that He has left us, it's that we have hardened ourselves to the point of not receiving God's presence or signal He sends us.

The Bible states in Deuteronomy 31:6; "Be strong and of good courage, fear not, nor be afraid of them; for the Lord thy God, He that doth go with thee;  He will not fail thee, nor forsake thee."  In other words, God is the one who is faithful to us.

The sooner we embrace we are the originator of this perceived absence of God the better.  Because once we take accountability, we can begin corrective actions within ourselves by pursuing more love and forgiveness which deconstructs the walls around our heart.  This process allows us to once again become aware of receiving God's sacred presence in our lives.

Copyright 2016-2017 DL School of Ministry-DLSM / Dr. Leciah  All Rights Reserved  

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