Our Main Goal

Everybody aims to reach their desires.  Plans are made, efforts put forth and time invested to acquire the outcome.  When we reach the goal we rejoice in the achievement.  If we fall short of reaching it, at the very least we know that we gave it our all.

But what is the most important goal we are working towards?  Although, accomplishments are fulfilling and rewarding in itself, it leaves us with a sense of degreed lack.  

Only when our main goal is to be in God's presence do we find the priceless gift's of peace and love.  It is here, within this existence we achieve our highest fulfillment of our journey.  Only within God's presence do we begin to understand He illuminates our heart, stoking our desire to wanting more of the same, which is to keep our most important goal ~ communing with Him daily.

Copyright 2016-2017 DL School of Ministry-DLSM / Dr. Leciah   All Rights Reserved

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