​​​​​​​​​​Earn Your Certificate in Our Various Studies Program
This customized department program provides 3 bundles to choose from that offers intensive course work about numerous topics from the Holy names of God, prayer of Jabez, the gospels, how we go the Bible, the importance of numbers in scripture, the Apostle Paul to He gave pastors and Ministerial ethics. This course work includes exams.

Course work bundles:

  • 8 course bundle
  • 6 course bundle
  • 3 course bundle

All individul courses, whether in categories or separate, offers credits that can be applied into one of our degree programs. What this means is that if you are not ready to enroll into a degree program you can still take individual courses that can be applied towards your future degree. 

  • Category studies offers additional tuition discounts. 
  • Courses taken from our Standard Course Library offers the least expensive way to achieve your academic or degree goal.

Tuition Overview

Our DLSM Tuition Site is currently unavailable due to upgrading our systems. We apologize for any inconvenience.  Contact the administrative office for tuition at 615.592.1379 or via email at admin@dlschoolofministry.com

 8 Courses - SCC-VSX8BF

Payment Plans - category  3.  Pay-as-you-go  
This 8 bundle category provides the following courses;

  1. Devotional; Names of God - presents an examination of God’s character as revealed through fifteen names used to describe Him in the Bible
  2. Harmonic Gospels:  presents an understanding of the life of Jesus and His teachings in the New  Testament while providing over 177 Old Testament references
  3. How We Got the Bible: presents ancient manuscripts and discussions on how the Bible has been preserved and handed down throughout generations
  4. Numbers in Scripture:  presents a guide to the study of Biblical Numerology or Numerics. Part 1 deals with the design related to the numerical features of the word of God.  Part 2 presents the spiritual significance and connotations of numbers
  5. Paul - the Apostle: presents an everyday walk through Acts and the Epistles of Paul
  6. Prayer of Jabez: presents a powerful production of ministry and the anointing of saints worldwide
  7. He gave Pastors:  presents a comprehensive pastoral guide by 20 ministers.  Describes insights into personal and devotional lives, legal affairs, counseling, resumes and other aspects of pastoring
  8. Ministerial Ethics: presents questions and answers in 3 featured areas of ethics; Christian and scriptural, church doctrine and practical ministry

6 Course Bundle - SCC-VSX6B

Payment Plans - category  3. Pay-as-you-go 

Choose your 6 course bundle;

  1. Devotional; Names of God / Harmonic Gospels / How we got the Bible / Numbers in Scripture / Paul -The Apostle / Prayer of Jabe
  2. Numbers in Scripture / Paul - The Apostle / Prayer of Jabez / He gave Pastors /  Ministerial Ethics / Harmonic Gospels  

3 Course Bundle - SCC-VSX3B 

Payment Plans - category  3. Pay-as-you-go 
Choose your 3 course bundle selection;

  1. Devotional; Names of God / How we got the Bible / Paul - The Apostle
  2. Harmonic Gospels / Numbers in Scripture / Prayers of Jabez
  3. How we got the Bible / Ministerial Ethics / He gave Pastors

Various Studies


DLSM's instructors are professional, real-world theologians and pastors who are accomplished in learning course delivery.  Each student is assigned an instructor that will help them develop skills that will enhance their academic/spiritual success.

​​Commitment to Academic and Religious Disciplines

Every department within DLSM is committed to student education that is based upon a distinctive Christian perspective that is built upon our 
Biblical, evangelical heritage.  


We exist to educate students to minister the gospel effectively in their homes, communities, country and abroad by becoming educated representatives of God through servant leadership.

Various Studies

Categories -Library